How to check your Playstation Network Account Region

Before you make purchases for Playstation Network Gift Card, please be sure to confirm of the region of your PSN Account. The gift cards are region restricted and it will not work cross-region.

How do I check region of my existing PSN account?

Method 1: Your PSN Profile is set to public

  1. Go to
  2. Look up your PSN ID through
  3. Check the flag beside your account profile.

Method 2:

  1. Go to your PSN Store in your PS4 / PSVita
  2. Check the currency used in your PSN Store and compare it below
    • MYR – Malaysia Region
    • SGD – Singapore Region
    • $ – US Region / Australia Region
    • GBP – UK Region
    • JPY – Japan Region

I have PSN Gift Card but not in the right region?

You can not use them in your existing account but you can create another profile attached to the new account.  Then you use them to make purchases.

  1. Please click on the link below according to the region you want and create a new account.
  2. Create a new profile on your PS4
  3. Sign in to your newly created account
  4. Redeem the code

How to set PS Plus account and enabled it across multiple profile / regions?

  1. From your PS4™, sign in to your PlayStation™Network with PS Plus activated.
  2. Go to [Settings].
  3. Select [Account Management] and select [Activate as Your Primary PS4].
  4. Click [Activate].